Structured Finance

Structured Finance

Structured Finance solutions that fuel the growth of your business

Our finance team maintains strong relationships with financiers and financial institutions. Our rich experience across several business verticals plays a pivotal role in identifying the exact funding requirements for your project. These could be a combination of debt or equity solutions, or other innovative approaches. Our team always thinks out-of-the-box to bring solutions to the table that are ideal for the long-term growth of your business. We can assure you that the finance structure we create would be beneficial for the long-term growth of your organization.

Sunil Girwalkar
Chartered Accountant
Head – Business Financing

Services in Structured Finance

Capital Structuring

A company’s judicious use of debt and equity is a key indicator of a strong balance sheet. A capital structure that reflects a low level of debt and a high amount of equity is a positive investment performance sign. By using the three broad types of measurements that include working capital, asset performance, and capital structure, we evaluate the strength of a company’s balance sheet, and thus its investment quality trend.
Our key offerings include

Capital Budgeting decision making

Capitals Structure Planning & Restructuring

Financial policy determination

Project Finance

Project finance is the funding (financing) of long-term infrastructure, industrial projects, and public services by using a non-recourse or limited recourse financial structure. The debt and equity used to finance the project are paid back from the cash flow generated by the project. Project financing is a loan structure that relies primarily on the project’s cash flow for repayment, with the project’s assets, rights, and interests held as secondary collateral. We help our clients in understanding the viability of the project with different types of financial instruments, discussing the challenges at stake, and the opportunities to overcome them, thereby assisting them in preparing a detailed project report
Our key offerings include

Preparation of Detailed Project Report and CMA data

Project Appraisal Memoranda

Conducting Feasibility Studies

TEV Studies

Equity and Debt Syndication

At Whitestone, we think that operating plans should dictate the financing requirements and not the other way round. We can work with you to minimize the overall cost of borrowing and eliminate onerous loan terms or borrowing rates that no longer match current market levels. Your company should be able to meet its capital expenditure and working capital requirements at a reasonable cost while maintaining the maximum amount of financial flexibility. We establish realistic capital structure objectives, which help achieve the desired outcome, such as a larger credit facility or more favorable borrowing terms or equity terms. Our team will be covering all the end-to-end transactions. The deliverability and structure of debt are vital to meet the long term growth objectives.
Our key offerings include

Approaching and discussing the deal with potential Bankers

Approaching and discussing the deal with potential Investors

Co-ordinate the overall transaction

Corporate Debt Restructuring

Asset Reconstruction refers to the handling of distressed assets, for example, bad loans in an attempt to recover their value. Corporate debt restructuring is the reorganization of a distressed company’s outstanding obligations, restoring its liquidity, and keeping it in business. We help companies by way of negotiation between distressed companies and their creditors, such as banks and other financial institutions. We help in the decision- making process at every step- by reducing the total amount of debt the company has and decreasing the interest rate it has to pay by increasing the period of time it has to pay the obligation back
Our key offerings include

Resolution Plan Preparation

Liaison with Banks, Financial Institutions and Asset Reconstruction Companies

Assessing Synergies between Buyer and Seller

One Time Settlement

Vetting of Resolution Plan

Priority and Interim Funding


One of the import sources of capital structure for a business is a subsidy from the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. Our team assists in preparing memorandum and filing an application with the government department for claiming the subsidy.
Our key offerings include

Central Government Subsidy

State Government Subsidy

Industry Specific Subsidy